Sunday, June 13, 2010

A quick update....more later

Yesterday, I only took 2 pills. I figured since I'm supposed to avoid red wine, I could have one hard liquor drink. It was mostly ginger ale. About midway through the show I was watching I started feeling that old feeling of painful bloating, wanting to unzip my stomach, and this time, just more pain. I thought maybe I hadn't eaten enough that day and the alcohol and cisapride weren't mixing well. Ah, and I also had one very small glass of white (blech) wine at the show. So, maybe it was the white wine that did it. At any rate, on the way home, we stopped and I got something small to eat (fries, heh). I took two ibuprofen when we got to my friend's house.

Let me just say that last night was the first time I've experienced a solid pain from this and I'm not sure if it was the pills, not enough pills, the wine. But it seemed to radiate through my when you're on your period and your entire body aches, this was magnified by....hmm, 10? It wasn't unbearable, just hurt. This morning, I still don't feel 100%.

So, yeah, no more alcohol at all. In case that was the problem. I don't think the endometriosis had anything to do with it. My back and shoulders still ache fairly badly. I'm hoping a day in the sun will revive my stupid body.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cisapride: Day 1

Despite the scary warnings and the hoops you have to jump through to get it, so far this has been promising. I'm supposed to take one 30 mins before meals and then again at bedtime, but knowing how sensitive I am to pills, I've only taken one so far today. I'll take another at bedtime.

Even with one (10mg), I did notice that my heart was beating faster and that caused me some concern. I think it was because I only had a piece of toast and some coffee, but I'm not used to eating normally. I'm not even used to eating a lot of solid food. It may take some adjusting, but I don't think I'm going on a regular diet. I sort of like the small meals more frequently thing. The problem is the frequently part. Today I just kept forgetting to either take the pills with me or plan ahead for taking them. There was a lot of gurgling and hunger pains, so at least the pills seem to be working. By dinner I was famished and didn't want to wait 30 mins to eat.

So, yeah, so far so good. Don't think I can manage 4 pills in a day, so tomorrow we'll shoot for 3. Two during the day and one before bed. EKG on Tuesday to make sure the 'ol ticker is doing ok.

There are a few other side effects, but they seem to be beneficial. Cleared up the constipation, but maybe a little too much. We'll see how well tomorrow goes.