Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hello again!

Not a very welcome hello, for when I post on here, you know it's back with a vengeance.
The flare-ups have to be tied to my cycle, which came a month early.  This 3-month birth control (on for Endometriosis) has me all out of whack.  I've been in pain and extremely bloated, after eating very little, for about a week now.  I'm hoping that it will go away in the next week.  But until then....

I'd almost forgotten what the bad times are like.  This is awful.  It's such an emotional affliction when it takes away from your ability to get anything done, when you REALLY have to get some things done.  Quality of life is in the toilet right now.  I shouldn't whine.  I know people have it worse.  But right now I'm dreading going home where they will worry, especially since I just quit my job (meaning: quit my health insurance).  Luckily, my gastro doc and the drug study nurse are going to keep seeing me.  Just need to find a way to get EKGs and labs paid for.  But I had to do it, that job was affecting my quality of life more than the GP...'til now.

I feel huge.  I feel pregnant.  It's hard to explain to my new co-workers and hard to hide.  I really hope this subsides soon.