Thursday, July 8, 2010

overload & maintenance

I think I just OD'd on vitamins.
I was taking 1 tbsp of the Tropical Oasis liquid multi-vitamin, but went through it all. No adverse effects from that. So, I thought I'd try a different, more potent one that I've seen recommended. It was Alive! Whole Food Energizer. It said to take 2 tbsp, preferably with food. Well, I took 30 seconds for me to break out into a sweat, feel like I had knives in my stomach, and to sink to the floor. A minute later, I had diarrhea. Nice, I know, but true. I laid on the floor of the bathroom for some time after before I felt able to move. I still don't feel good. Sick to my stomach, headache. I don't know if it's interacting with the cisapride, or I just can't handle that dosage. I'll try a 1/2 tbsp maybe, mixed in something, tomorrow. Anyone out there have this reaction to that vitamin?

As far as the Cisapride goes though, it seems to be working. I've gained 2 lbs, and need to start working out again. ;} heheh. I know it's ridiculous, but the no drinking thing is bothersome. Not that I need alcohol, but...well, it's the red wine I miss. I enjoy a small glass maybe once a week, and now I can't even do that. Ah well. Food or wine, I suppose. I'm going to inquire about this at my Dr visit on Monday.

Another fun development though. I've been having some pretty grand back/hip pain the past two weeks. The chiropractor tells me it could be coming out in full force due to the recent weight loss. I've always had bad shoulders and a nagging pain in my lower right back that would occasionally show up, but this has been rather constant. Doc also said that sometimes all this body karma catches up with you at once. Yeah, you said it.

As far as the GP goes though, with the Cisapride, I've been much better. I would recommend it to anyone who has a strong heart and low blood pressure. It took awhile to get it, and I have to go back fairly regularly for EKGs and blood work, but it's worth that just to be able to eat solid food on a regular basis and eat (slightly) more than a fist-sized portion of food at a time.

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