Thursday, March 18, 2010

alright then

Just shook my hand and my ring flew off.

20 lbs lost. Probably half due to working out before things got worse, 10 to not being able to eat enough. It's just rapid and that is worrisome.


  1. hey there, jill. . .

    i usually avoid reading online about my various conditions because i get so overwhelmed so quickly. on one hand, it's a huge relief to know you're not alone, but on the other hand, a lot of times i end up feeling more scared and upset than i was before after reading horror story after horror story. . .

    well, i've had GP for over 10 years, perhaps due to diabetes, but i'm beginning to suspect it's more likely fibromyalgia. in any event, it's been a problem for a long time, but the last few months have been hell. enough so to start reading blogs again. . .

    i wanted to send you an email, but either there's no way to do that on this page, or i'm just an idiot. :) but if you'd be interested in connecting, please drop me a line at

    keep on hanging in there. it's all we can do. ;)


  2. Gary,

    It's nice to "meet" you. And I know what you mean. It just depends on the mood I'm in or how bad it is that day. I really does help me to seek out others when I'm feeling bad though, as does just writing it out.

    10 years, wow. Currently I'm back on solid food, and this week has been a HUGE improvement as opposed to the last two weeks. It has me so confused though. Why does it come and go? Is there something else triggering it? Does this happen to other people? It kind of drives you nuts constantly analyzing your stomach all the time.

    I hope things start going better for you soon. Oh, and my e-mail is:
